von: Veronika
Verwicklungen / Studien / Suche / Schnittstellenpraxis / Feld(be)forschung
nächster Termin
∗ 05/07/23 Ringvorlesung der Basisgruppe Umweltwissenschaften, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Far right connectivities in environmental discourses
Environmental discourses such as conservation and climate protection are increasingly gaining majority support, and that is a good thing. At the same time, there is a shift in discourse towards the right in society as a whole. Looking at both, a large field of overlaps and connection points opens up.
Starting from the ideological elements - less from personal and institutional overlaps - and with a focus on right-wing points of connection within green discourses, Veronika has spent a year researching these overlaps. Where do we encounter these connectivities within our own activisms? How can we relate to them? How can we recognize inhuman tendencies in our own argumentations at an early stage in order not to reproduce right-wing narratives? How can discourses be conducted differently, which alliances and publics are needed for this?
This has resulted in various formats and a small book.
von: Veronika
Verwicklungen / Studien / Suche / Schnittstellenpraxis / Feld(be)forschung
nächster Termin
∗ 05/07/23 Ringvorlesung der Basisgruppe Umweltwissenschaften, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Far right connectivities in environmental discourses
Environmental discourses such as conservation and climate protection are increasingly gaining majority support, and that is a good thing. At the same time, there is a shift in discourse towards the right in society as a whole. Looking at both, a large field of overlaps and connection points opens up.
Starting from the ideological elements - less from personal and institutional overlaps - and with a focus on right-wing points of connection within green discourses, Veronika has spent a year researching these overlaps. Where do we encounter these connectivities within our own activisms? How can we relate to them? How can we recognize inhuman tendencies in our own argumentations at an early stage in order not to reproduce right-wing narratives? How can discourses be conducted differently, which alliances and publics are needed for this?
This has resulted in various formats and a small book.